

For more than 25 years Sanindusa has been recognised for its high-quality bathroom and kitchen products.

From early on the focus was on innovation, customer’s needs and trust with the transparency and precision encompassed in all its projects. The group consists of 5 production units and has 100% Portuguese roots. Our main focus is to take our brand image and ethos to the four corners of the world.

Sanindusa_Farmhouse_Collection 1

bold and innovative designs

Our bold and innovative designs are the common denominator in our creations and the ecological concerns are combined into our range of products. The constant investment in technology has allowed the company to achieve a pioneering position. Providing investment return and ensuring the present and future continuity for the group since 1993.

30 years of achievements


Sanindusa works every day to offer solutions that meet the highest internationally recognised quality standards focusing its attention on product design and sustainability. 

By involving its employees in all processes it seeks to answer the needs and demands of its clients and strives to generate investment return for its shareholders, ensuring the continuity and development of the company. 


We want to be recognised for the Design, Innovation and Quality of our bathroom and kitchen products and become a reference in the consumer’s mind.


Customers are the reason for our existence

We are totally committed to developing products that meet your needs, expectations and requirements.

Innovation is our motivation

Innovation is part of our company’s DNA. The search for a unique, irreverent and striking design allows the development of surprising creations.

Internal commitment

We value our resources in order to make the company viable by satisfying our customers, employees and shareholders whishes. We implement innovative and good quality solutions according to the needs of each target audience. Our goal is to achieve maximum efficiency for a continuous improvement of management methods and processes.

Our attitude

These principles are present and define our attitude in the relationship with our customers, employees, shareholders, suppliers and other entities.

Green company

We strive every day for a better future by implementing measures for a continuous and sustainable development. Environmental concerns are part of our daily routines and are taken into account in the company’s policy and industrial activities in order to protect the environment. We are also committed to developing products that reduce water consumption.


Part of our success relies on cooperation and collective work. We believe that internal cohesion and market involvement in decision making represents added value for all parties. 

Customer orientation

Customers are the reason for our existence

We are totally committed to developing products that meet your needs, expectations and requirements.


Innovation is our motivation

Innovation is part of our company’s DNA. The search for a unique, irreverent and striking design allows the development of surprising creations.


Internal commitment

We value our resources in order to make the company viable by satisfying our customers, employees and shareholders whishes. We implement innovative and good quality solutions according to the needs of each target audience. Our goal is to achieve maximum efficiency for a continuous improvement of management methods and processes.

Transparency, Rigour and Trust

Our attitude

These principles are present and define our attitude in the relationship with our customers, employees, shareholders, suppliers and other entities.


Green company

We strive every day for a better future by implementing measures for a continuous and sustainable development. Environmental concerns are part of our daily routines and are taken into account in the company’s policy and industrial activities in order to protect the environment. We are also committed to developing products that reduce water consumption.



Part of our success relies on cooperation and collective work. We believe that internal cohesion and market involvement in decision making represents added value for all parties. 

comparar produtos
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